De-Stressing As A Christian

Rise Holy
6 min readApr 29, 2024

First things first, the Bible tells us time and time again about how the Lord wants us at peace. And as believers, we want what God wants right? I don’t think that there are too many people out there craving chaos, dysfunction, disorder and confusion, but actively seeking out peace is a lot different than just desiring it. Isaiah 9:6 lets us know that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. Moreover, He is our Counsellor. We are told to seek Him. Once we earnestly seek Him, we can expect to gain peace. And the more we seek Him, the more peace we have. Yet, there’s the dilemma. How do we seek Him? And what does this really have to do with stress when it feels like the world is crashing down at our feet and we don’t know what to do?

Stress is a killer. It causes heart attacks, eating disorders, it can cause ulcers and many other lingering conditions that can lower our quality of life. (I have noticed that whenever the Lord tells us not to do something it is for our benefit. Perhaps He doesn’t want us stressed because doing so would only cause problems for us!) Stress is something everyone has experience, regardless of that person’s age or background. We all have stressful times and some situations can bring us just to the brink of giving up or giving in. Sometimes we feel bogged down, forced to trudge through waist-deep mud in hopes of it only being knee-deep the further along we go. But God wants more for us. And my hope is that you want more for yourself!

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

What does it mean to destress?

De-stress means simply to relax after work or a period of tension. A period of tension can look like a heated conversation with a loved one, getting bad news, being cut off on the freeway. We are all different and so are our stressors. Things that irk me may not bother you at all and vice versa. Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because what stresses you out doesn’t bother someone else that your problem is minor or that it is all in your head. Remember that God made us all individuals.

De-stressing is all about relaxing your body or mind. However, I believe that both are necessary. We are a 3-part being (body, mind and soul) and if only one part of is at peace then we still aren’t functioning at 100%. When we come home from work or doctor’s appointments or dealing with people in general, sometimes we need to unwind. In the world, this may look like drinking, listening to secular music, going to a club. That’s what is portrayed nowadays in much of media. Sometimes unwinding is linked to extramarital sex. But these are things that we cannot do. And many self-help books about decompressing and self-care include other practices that are detrimental to our Christian walk?

What are common ways to de-stress that you have heard of in secular media?

What Are Some Ways To De-Stress As Believers?

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I want you to think about some other ways to de-stress. In the last 10 or 15 years, there has been a huge push for self-care. What are some things that come to mind when you hear that phrase? I want you to ruminate on it and maybe we’ll come back to it.

Our first resort when we’re in the middle of a stressful situation or feel as though we are on the verge of panic is to give it to God. Prayer works and the Bible tells us in Philippians 5:7 to cast ALL our cares on Him. I used to think my problems weren’t important enough for God to care about or that I was somehow bothering Him by coming to Him with my issues, but the truth is that’s exactly what He wants! He wants us to come to Him, to be real and vulnerable with Him. He wants us to give the burden to Him because our shoulders are simply not big enough to carry the weight. I’m sure you’ve heard it preached multiple times, maybe seen it in social media posts or hear it in the song lyrics of your favorite artists but God wants relationship not religious ritual. And with any relationship honest and open communication is required. When we tell the Lord how we’re feeling, He can help us. But remember, the Father doesn’t force Himself on anyone. He won’t take a problem from you unless you give it to Him first. Prayer recenters us and gets our minds off of our problems, which in turn helps us to recognize that they weren’t as large as they initially seemed.

Along with prayer, comes praise. Misery loves company, but what if you silence the voice of pain, hurt and stress with music that uplifts the soul?! Music will shift your attitude which then shifts your mindset. Likewise, refrain from overly graphic media. Media that is violent or causes your heart to race, while it may entertain you for a while, will only make you feel more anxious. And we know that we are to be anxious for nothing (Philipians 4:6).

You also should make time to study the Word. Note that I said study and not just read. Studying means paying close attention, looking things up that you don’t understand, and replaying it back in your mind so that you don’t forget it. Read up on the promises of God, how He promises to keep you. A few that come to mind our Psalm 34, Psalm 91 and Jeremiah 29:11. Once you know the Word, you are able to bring it back when hard times happen. You can repeat it to yourself and remind your spirit that you are bigger than this situation, that it doesn’t define you and that no matter what you are a son or daughter of the Most High God and He takes care of His own.

What are some scriptures you recommend on remembering the promises of God and walking in peace?

Next, here are some things that may not seem like a big deal but can actually really help. Taking a hot bath or shower, going on a walk. What is important to remember is that de-stressing is about not only being kind to ourselves, but also taking care of the mind and body that the Lord gifted us with. That’s right. We’re given these bodies so that we may walk in purpose. Our minds are a gift from Him as well. And as we are called to be good stewards, we cannot pick and choose what we will steward well. I’m not saying that it’s easy! But I am saying that it is something that takes a conscious effort.

A while back, I began taking me-days in which the phone was silenced and I spent the moment I woke to the moment I went to bed focusing on me. This often meant going to the bookstore, grabbing lunch, maybe going to a park or shopping for a new piece of clothing. Sometimes it was just staying home and not being available to other people, taking care of things that I needed to do as well as some things I had been wanting to do but kept putting off. Do you have anything like that? Can you make a few hours a week to work on those things? Trust me, I was so goal-oriented, I had to pencil “relax” onto my calendar, setting aside time for my favorite things. That’s how bad it had gotten on a day-to-day basis, and don’t get me starting on those wrenches life sometimes throws just to see if you’re wearing your helmet!!!

When those sudden things pop up, I make a concentrated effort to do something to decompress for a while. I unclench my toes, loosen my shoulders, stretch a bit. I make a cup of tea and sit in silence for a while. I may pick up a book or play a quick and non-competitive game on my phone. I may gaze out the window at the birds or people walking by. But I don’t allow myself to wonder about the “what-ifs” of that recent experience or come up with better responses or even focus on it. And yes, sometimes these incidents do come to mind but instead of putting it in a negative perspective, I focus on the things that went well. Maybe the sun was out and the air was fresh and crisp even if I just got pushed into a work project with people I know won’t pull their weight. Maybe an old friend just texted to check up on me after sometime which lightens the burden of having an argument with a family member. There are tons of combinations and possibilities.

Other Scriptures to carry you through!

John 16:33

Isaiah 26:3

Colossians 3:15

Psalm 46:10

Isaiah 54:10



Rise Holy

Helping you follow Christ in a dark world. Helping you keep your head up when things seem bleak. A Christian living blog for today.