Good Enough

Rise Holy
4 min readSep 6, 2022

There are times in everyone’s life where we let imposter syndrome take hold of us. Thoughts come that say we aren’t good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or wealthy enough. And sometimes, you can get lost in the sea of not enough. Sometimes, the waves come crashing down and you feel as though you may drown in what you feel are shortcomings. In these moments, even if you have someone there to reassure you, it may all be cold comfort. You feel as though you will never be enough.

When we consider what God has to say about us, the truth is that every single “not enough” is a lie. After all, God chose us before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4), he ordained us (John 15:16) and He called us to good works (Ephesians 2:10).

Here’s the thing, God knows. God knows that you were going to make that mistake. He knows that you would trust the wrong person or tell that lie or get angry. He knows all of that. He knows more about you than you do and yet He still chose you. He still wanted to spend time with you and talk to you. God saw all that you would do and still chose you! And that means that I don’t have to live under the burdens of sin, guilt and regret. I don’t have to esteem myself lower than I should because of my past. I don’t have to focus on the negative. Because I was good enough for God. You were good enough for God. Doesn’t that mean you should be good enough for you?

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 King Jame Version of the Bible

Why are you letting yourself live weighed down? Why are you tolerating more pain and worry than God every intended you to have? God wants you to have joy, He wants you to live freely. In fact, a life of joy is just one of the many blessings He has in store for His people, but it is up to us to receive the gift or not. How long have you been turning away from the gift because of the lie of not enough?

So, to make what could have been a long-ish post short, if I am good enough for God, then I am good enough for me. And so are you. When that spirit of not enough comes to you, rebuke it with the truth of God. Remember who you are. And while you may not be all God has created you to be yet, He is still working on you and when He begins something, He completes it (Philippians 1:6).

Trust me, I know that it can be hard to focus on the truth when you’re surrounding by lies. It can be hard to see yourself as good enough when you don’t measure up to the people you see (whether face to face or through media). It can be hard to remember how great you are when you live in a world that tells you that your worth is measured by your bank account and your accomplishments. So, that’s why we have to remind ourselves of the truth daily. It may seem odd at first, but a great way to do this is to write down some of the truths God tells us in His Word and repeat them daily, until they become ingrained. Once they are, it will be easy to bring those “not enough” thoughts under subjection as He tells us to do in 2 Corinthians 10:3–5. And while I cannot guarantee that those thoughts and the emotions that come along with them will disappear for good, I am certain that when they come, they’ll cease to have the same power and influence over you that they once had.

As you grow in this area, you’ll continue to build your spiritual foundation. And that’s God’s will for you. He doesn’t want you downtrodden or sorrowful, He wants you to have joy. And the joy He gives is eternal and permanent, no fleeting emotion can get in the way.

Need some ideas on where to start? Here are a few things I remind myself of on a daily basis:

  1. I am loved.
  2. I am chosen.
  3. I am free. (From all bondage including people’s opinions of me.)
  4. I am equipped to do what God’s created me to do.
  5. I am significant.
  6. I am becoming exactly who God wants me to be. (I may not be there yet, but I am on my way.)

What are some things you need to remind yourself of today? I urge you to write them on a notecard or sticky note and paste them somewhere you have to take note, whether it be to a mirror or the door to your bedroom. Read over God’s truth and when those lies come, let them know that you are enough!



Rise Holy

Helping you follow Christ in a dark world. Helping you keep your head up when things seem bleak. A Christian living blog for today.